The video resource "2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven …
The video resource "2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7" is included in the "World History" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "2001 - A Space Odyssey: Crash Course Film Criticism …
The video resource "2001 - A Space Odyssey: Crash Course Film Criticism #15" is included in the "Film Criticism" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
We take a fair look at some of the best counter arguments …
We take a fair look at some of the best counter arguments for legalization and see how they hold up in review. The video "3 Arguments Why Marijuana Should Stay Illegal Reviewed" is a resource included in the Law topic made available from the Kurzgesagt open educational resource series.
The video resource "3D Graphics: Crash Course Computer Science #27" is included …
The video resource "3D Graphics: Crash Course Computer Science #27" is included in the "Computer Science" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
Nuclear energy might have a lot of unused potential. Not only is …
Nuclear energy might have a lot of unused potential. Not only is it one of the best mid term solutions for global warming bit despite what gut feeling tells us, it has saved millions of lives. By investing more into better technologies we might be able to make nuclear energy finally save and clean forever. The video "3 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Awesome! 3/3" is a resource included in the Physics topic made available from the Kurzgesagt open educational resource series.
Nuclear energy might be a failed experiment. In over sixty years the …
Nuclear energy might be a failed experiment. In over sixty years the technology has not only failed to keep its promise of cheap, clean and safe energy, it also caused major catastrophes and enabled more nuclear weapons while the nuclear waste problem is still not solved. The video "3 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Terrible! 2/3" is a resource included in the Physics topic made available from the Kurzgesagt open educational resource series.
The video resource "5 Human Impacts on the Environment: Crash Course Ecology …
The video resource "5 Human Impacts on the Environment: Crash Course Ecology #10" is included in the "Ecology" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "AC Circuits: Crash Course Physics #36" is included in …
The video resource "AC Circuits: Crash Course Physics #36" is included in the "Media Literacy" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "ATP & Respiration: Crash Course Biology #7" is included …
The video resource "ATP & Respiration: Crash Course Biology #7" is included in the "Biology" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "Acid-Base Reactions in Solution: Crash Course Chemistry #8" is …
The video resource "Acid-Base Reactions in Solution: Crash Course Chemistry #8" is included in the "Chemistry" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
Actinium is element number 89, and first of the actinide series. This …
Actinium is element number 89, and first of the actinide series. This video is one of the 118 clips included in the periodic table of elements themed collection created by Brady Haran and the University of Nottingham in the UK.
What causes addiction? Easy, right? Drugs cause addiction. But maybe it is …
What causes addiction? Easy, right? Drugs cause addiction. But maybe it is not that simple. The video "Addiction" is a resource included in the Disease topic made available from the Kurzgesagt open educational resource series.
The video resource "Adolescence: Crash Course Psychology #20" is included in the …
The video resource "Adolescence: Crash Course Psychology #20" is included in the "Psychology" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "Advanced CPU Designs: Crash Course Computer Science #9" is …
The video resource "Advanced CPU Designs: Crash Course Computer Science #9" is included in the "Computer Science" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "Aesthetic Appreciation: Crash Course Philosophy #30" is included in …
The video resource "Aesthetic Appreciation: Crash Course Philosophy #30" is included in the "Sociology" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "Aesthetics: Crash Course Philosophy #31" is included in the …
The video resource "Aesthetics: Crash Course Philosophy #31" is included in the "Sociology" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "Affirmative Action: Crash Course Government and Politics #32" is …
The video resource "Affirmative Action: Crash Course Government and Politics #32" is included in the "U.S. Government and Politics" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "African Pantheons and the Orishas: Crash Course World Mythology …
The video resource "African Pantheons and the Orishas: Crash Course World Mythology #11" is included in the "World Mythology" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
The video resource "Age & Aging: Crash Course Sociology #36" is included …
The video resource "Age & Aging: Crash Course Sociology #36" is included in the "Sociology" course from the resources series of "Crash Course". Crash Course is a educational video series from John and Hank Green.
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