OpenNCCC Content and Submission Policy

Mission Statement  

openNCCC, a product of the NC Community College System (NCCCS), is a library of Open  Educational Resources (OER) that promotes exploration, creation, and collaboration, with the  goal of enriching teaching and learning in North Carolina and around the world. 

The content consists of a variety of learning formats that supplement courses, provide  information and training, including but not limited to links to videos, websites, eBooks,  webinars, and articles. 

Licensing OER  

NCCCS policies on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) must be adhered to. When using OER,  students and staff must comply with the terms of the license of use. 

It is the responsibility of faculty and staff to ensure that they have the necessary rights to  publish an OER and that all resources published comply with all relevant policies (e.g. copyright,  IPR, accessibility). 

Faculty and staff are advised to publish OER using a Creative Commons attribution license (CC  BY). Other Creative Commons licenses (for example to add a non-commercial use or share-alike  element) may be used if the creators feel this is necessary or appropriate for their particular  resource, or to comply with the license of any third-party content used in the resource. 

When creating and publishing OER, the copyright owner(s), author(s), date, and Creative  Commons license applied must be visibly attributed. Author(s) should also be properly  acknowledged, giving recognition for work undertaken, along with date and Creative Commons  license applied so that others can clearly understand what permissions for reuse are being  granted. 

OER Quality Assurance  

The repository strives to provide resources of the highest quality. Contributions will be peer reviewed, but users are also able to leave comments. You are encouraged to provide  constructive criticism and feedback on the modules which you access. Although there are  mechanisms in place to support quality resources, you should still approach all the resources  provided with a critical eye, and students should be taught to use multiple sources, and  critically evaluate all information they access.

Submission Guidelines  

Thank you for your interest in adding resources to openNCCC. Below, you will find the rubric  used by our openNCCC Steering Committee to review content submissions. If your resource  fails to meet any of the required criteria, your resource will automatically be disqualified from  publication. If your resource fails to meet suggested criteria, your submission may be rejected,  based on the discretion of the Steering Committee.

Educational Context



Resource clearly supports learning in curriculum, continuing  education, basic skills, vocational, or professional learning contexts.Required
Resource presents a clear context of use for a specific educational  audience. It is clear who would use this resource and how this  resource could be used to meet teaching or learning goals.Required
Resource presents clearly articulated learning goals or objectives. It  can be aligned to educational standards, courses and/or programs as well as professional development use.Suggested

Licensing/Usage Rights

The resource itself or collection provider website contains clearly  stated licensing and/or usage rights. 

The resource itself or collection provider website clearly states that  content is released under a Creative Commons license, is within the  public domain, or that usage rights have been granted for non commercial or educational use.Required

User Access

Resource is openly accessible without creating an account or  logging in, unless the resource is restricted for use by the faculty and staff of the NCCCS.Required
Resource is openly accessible in its entirety. (i.e. not partial  commercial “sample” content.)Required
Resource does not require use of commercial software or services.Required
Resource is appropriately granular to facilitate ease of user access to specific  teaching or learning content, i.e., links are not indexed to the top page of a large  database but directly to individual learning resources.Required


Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) content has  been created or updated within the last 3-5 years.Required
Software or browser applications required for use of the resource  are supported in modern operating systems and browsers.Required
General content has been updated within the last 5-7 years.Suggested

Formatting and Style

Resource is formatted appropriately and easy to use. For example,  headings and sections are labeled clearly and meet accessibility  standards. Proper grammar and spelling utilized throughout.Required
Headings utilize the “headings” tool in the Open Author editor. This ensures screen reader accessibility. Suggested