All resources in NCCC OER Librarians

The OER Starter Kit - Simple Book Publishing

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This starter kit has been created to provide instructors with an introduction to the use and creation of open educational resources (OER). The text is broken into five sections: Getting Started, Copyright, Finding OER, Teaching with OER, and Creating OER. Although some chapters contain more advanced content, the starter kit is primarily intended for users who are entirely new to Open Education. While some of the content included in the handbook is Iowa State University-specific, these examples are few and I have tried to make the text as generalizable as possible. I welcome any comments for potential edits and additions to the text and will add an errata/tracking changes page to the front matter in the future. I especially welcome comments on my Diversity and Inclusion chapter, since I am not the most well-versed on that topic. If you would like to adapt the text for use at your institution, please let me know so I can add links to your adaptations in the future. If you are interested in working with me on a second edition in the future, feel free to reach out! I'd love to make a more advanced version with additional sections for OER program managers and librarians. The OER Starter Kit was originally adapted from the ABOER Starter Kit, but blossomed into a much larger project over the past few months. It includes content from Billy Meinke's excellent UH OER Training manual, SUNY's wonderful OER Community Courses, and others, all of which can be found on the kit's Attribution page and on the footnotes of their corresponding chapters.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Abbey Elder

Permissions Guide for Educators

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This guide provides a primer on copyright and use permissions. It is intended to support teachers, librarians, curriculum experts and others in identifying the terms of use for digital resources, so that the resources may be appropriately (and legally) used as part of lessons and instruction. The guide also helps educators and curriculum experts in approaching the task of securing permission to use copyrighted materials in their classrooms, collections, libraries or elsewhere in new ways and with fewer restrictions than fair use potentially offers. The guide was created as part of ISKME's Primary Source Project, and is the result of collaboration with copyright holders, intellectual property experts, and educators.* "Copyright license choice" by is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Mindy Boland