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  • Theater arts
Open Course Library : Intro to Drama
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0.0 stars

This course focuses on the experience of theatre in performance, the work of theatre artists and theatre traditions and practices in other cultures and time periods. It is organized in 4 modules: 1. The Theatre Experience - the theatre in the context of other arts; performance, conventions and interactions; the artists and crafts people involved in theatre production; critical perspectives in the arts, 2. Creating Theatre: The Playwright and the Play - the basics of story telling and playwrighting; the elements of drama, play structure and genre; realism and other dramatic styles in writing and performance. 3. Creating Theatre: The Director, Actor and Designers - the skills, processes and duties of the director, actor and set, light, costume and sound designers. 4. A Study of Theatre Traditions - a synthesis of modules 1,2 and 3; the study of theatre traditions and practice of various cultures and time periods.

Arts and Humanities
Theater arts
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added: