Newman Projections
- Subject:
- Chemistry
- Physical Science
- Material Type:
- Lesson
- Provider:
- Khan Academy
- Author:
- Monterey Institute for Technology and Education
- Sal Khan
- Date Added:
- 02/14/2017
Newman Projections
Newman Projections 2
Nitration of Benzene to form Nitrobenzene
The addition-elimination mechanism
The elimination-addition mechanism
Organic Chemistry Naming Examples 2
Organic Chemistry Naming Examples 3
Organic Chemistry Naming Examples 5
Chemistry 538 - Organic Chemistry of Macromolecules covers the preparation, reactions, and properties of high molecular weight polymeric materials of both natural and synthetic origin. As a part of this course, U-M students collaboratively created and edited÷Wikipediaarticles. Student contributions can be found below, within the "Wikipedia Articles" section.
Strong Activators
Moderate and weak activation, weak deactivation
Alkene cleavage using ozone
Pi bonds and sp2 Hybridized Orbitals
Polymerization of Alkenes with Acid
This video is from the Khan Academy subject of Science on the topic of Organic chemistry and it covers Properties of ethers and crown ethers.
Free radical bromination, nucleophilic substitution, oxidation
Relative Stability of Amides Esters Anhydrides and Acyl Chlorides
Representing Structures of Organic Molecules
This video is from the Khan Academy subject of Science on the topic of Organic chemistry and it covers SN2 mechanism and stereochemistry.