The aromaticity of pyrrole, imidazole, and thiophene.
- Subject:
- Chemistry
- Physical Science
- Material Type:
- Lesson
- Provider:
- Khan Academy
- Author:
- Sal Khan
- Date Added:
- 09/22/2013
The aromaticity of pyrrole, imidazole, and thiophene.
The aromaticity of benzene
Carefully go through each of the four major effects that the sympathetic and parasympathetic system has on your heart: Chronotropy, Dromotropy, Inotropy, and Lusitropy. Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician and works at Khan Academy.
Calculating average velocity when acceleration is constant
Watch how the blood flows through the baby's circulation and compare it to what happens in the fetus. Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician and works at Khan Academy.
Introduction to bacteria
Primer on identifying balanced and unbalanced forces
Becoming a Red Giant
Life and photosynthesis start to thrive in the Archean Eon
Learn how total energy of a fluid helps explain why fluids can move from low pressure to high pressure! Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician and works at Khan Academy.
This video is from the Khan Academy subject of Science on the topic of Cosmology and astronomy and it covers Big Bang Introduction.
North Carolina is almost totally dependent on imported petroleum. To reduce this dependence, create economic opportunity in the state and to boost agriculture, the Biofuels Center of North Carolina is funded by the General Assembly to implement North Carolina’s state policy of creating a large, state-wide biofuels industry sector. The presentation will provide an overview of the key elements necessary in creating a sector capable of sustainably producing 600 million gallons of biofuels a year. It will also show the communications and social media tools available to North Carolinians who want participate in the state’s emerging biofuels community, as well as highlight the training that the North Carolina Community College System is providing for the growing field at Central Carolina Community College.
Topics that will be covered in this exciting BioForum event will include:
Organic grape growing philosophy
Managing what you can organically/naturally
Measuring plant pH and leaf/stem juice Brix
Dealing with diseases/pests organically
Weed management
The kinds of grapes to grow organically in Western North Carolina
Grapevine gender determination
The perfect organic grape to grow in Western North Carolina
Propagation techniques
Trellis systems for growing grapes in the mountains
Vineyard production/installation cost estimates
This series of lectures was originally presented on January 9, 2009 at the "Particle Fundamentals Forum" hosted at BTEC on NCSU's Centennial Campus and is now available for you to see ON-DEMAND! You will learn about particles, what they are, how they are detected, forces on particles, and the types of instruments used to quantify these contaminants. Professionals with real-world experience will discuss on the mechanics of detecting particulate, the benefits and considerations of various monitoring techniques, and will also offer insight on the future trends associated with contamination and contamination control.
This 50-minute presentation, hosted by NCCCS BioNetwork covers: * Laser airborne particle counter for non-viable contaminants * Centrifugal air sampler for viable contaminants * Contact strips for viable contaminants from surfaces and people * Automated slide stain instrument for gram staining to identify viable contaminants.
Brunswick Community College's (BCC) Center for Aquaculture and Biotechnology (CAB) has implemented a Biofuels from Algae project as a joint effort between the departments of Aquaculture and Biotechnology. This entailed the design and construction of an 1800 gallon photobioreactor system during phase 1 of the project. Phase II focused on the downstream processing of oil extraction. BCC's CAB has a patent pending status on this process, which is purely mechanical, easily scalable and relatively cheap to implement. The final phase of the project (pending funding) will optimize and refine the oil extraction process, which will give us the opportunity to file a full patent, license the patent to industry or develop a trade secret with an industry partner, which will quickly move the process to commercialization. If the final phase is funded we will also obtain data on the yield of oil production, yield to biodiesel conversion, chemical composition of the extracted oil and determine the best species for use in the process developed at BCC.
Cambrian explosion and biodiversity in the Phanerozoic Eon
The mechanism of the Birch Reduction
The effect of electron-withdrawing and electron-donating groups
Birth of Stars