Group Information

Group Title

North Carolina Association of Community College Instructional Administrators

Group Description

The North Carolina Association of Community College Instructional Administrators (NCACCIA) is a professional organization that enhances instructional leadership within North Carolina's community colleges. It provides a platform for instructional administrators to collaborate, share best practices, and address common challenges. Committed to promoting excellence in teaching and learning and fostering professional development, NCACCIA is crucial in increasing student access and success. The association significantly improves the state's workforce, economic growth, and overall societal advancement by providing relevant learning experiences for a diverse student population.

Group's Subjects

  • Agriculture & Natural Science
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Business and Marketing Education
  • Computer Science
  • CTE
  • Design
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Health and Medical Science
  • Information Science
  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Science
  • Social and Behavioral Science

Group's Levels

  • Adult High School
  • Curriculum Education
  • Continuing Education
  • Basic Skills

Group Type
