Next Steps (Webinar Four)

by Joanna Schimizzi 2 years, 1 month ago

Discusison Board Tip: Please reply directly to this prompt by clicking "reply" below.

Prompt: Please share the following:

  1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey?

  2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution?


Dawn Harvel 2 years, 1 month ago

I have not published my template but did find it useful in helping to think through my first steps. With unlimited resources, I would hire people to do some of my work so I could spend dedicated time, but I also might employ some researchers/collaborators to help create some good resources. There do not seem to be many dedicated to my field specifically. 

Leigh Heath 2 years, 1 month ago

I have not published my template yet.  If I had unlimited resources, I would spend time working with others in my area to publish more resources.  I was not able to find much in my area but I am still looking.

Carole Mehle 2 years, 1 month ago

I shared my draft as part of the session. I do plan to complete the template and publish it since there does not seem to be a resource like it on Open NCCC. 

I am on the Distance Learning Committee at our school, and I hope I will be part of our Center for Learning and Teaching that is being developed. I believe I can share what I learned with all my colleagues. We are trying to move to as much OER as we can get, as we are in an economically challenged area. I know I am using OER in my HUM 115 class, my ENG 011 class, and, if it counts, my ENG 002 class (we are using NROC, and that is on Open NCCC). I can share my experiences and how it has benefitted my students will help tremendously. 

I think making my colleagues aware there is an established place for us on the site and just letting them know it is there will help. 

Paige Roseman 2 years, 1 month ago

1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey?

I have not yet published the template, but was able to publish a remix-style resource: adding some thoughtful questions to Crash Course Psychology video resource. I worked with Liz on this item, as it did not have a remix button. I will finish up the template, and appreciated it as a thoughtful guide for next steps in my OER journey as I work with faculty at Wake Tech to explore psychology OER resources, including but not limited to textbooks.

2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution?

I honestly believe that paid time to work together with dedicated faculty specifically on this work of cultivating and remixing resources specific to our institution and disciplines and student body would be powerful.

Kim Barber 2 years, 1 month ago

I have not publsihed my OER Sharing Template. I value it greatly as a planning tool and will take the time neccessary to use it in a way I feel is most productive and relevant for our college and useful for sharing on the openNCCC platform.

Our college is moving towards OER now in pockets across campus. With unlimited funds, a long term and short term plan could be to provide comprehensive OER training to all exisiting faculty and staff, build OER training into onboarding of new faculty and staff, transition as many educational resources to the highest quality OER content available including locally created content by our own content experts would include compensatory funds for instructors, including adjunct instructors, who create OER content, mini conference/retreats for stakeholders (local school superintendents, principals, college faculty, staff) to collaborate on the value of OER and coordinate transition of resources for early college and high school students, provide release time for college program specific mini work sessions to colloborate on content creation for OER to use in courses that teach sections of and/or scaffold, ect..

These are just a few ideas that pop to mind....

Tonia Lashley 2 years, 1 month ago

Hi Kim,

Love you idea, "a long term and short term plan could be to provide comprehensive OER training to all exisiting faculty and staff, build OER training into onboarding of new faculty and staff, transition as many educational resources to the highest quality OER content available including locally created content by our own content experts would include compensatory funds for instructors, including adjunct instructors, who create OER content, mini conference/retreats for stakeholders (local school superintendents, principals, college faculty, staff) to collaborate on the value of OER and coordinate transition of resources for early college and high school students, provide release time for college program specific mini work sessions to colloborate on content creation for OER to use in courses that teach sections of and/or scaffold, ect.."

I think this builds a dynamic OER resource team.

Marion Pope 2 years, 1 month ago


  1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey? I have not published my OER item sharing template. I am not sure at this time what I will remix.

  2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution? I am not sure at this time.

Cynthia Cofield 2 years, 1 month ago

1. PRACTICE OER Sharing Template - Do Not Publish - Remix by Cynthia Cofield

2. Unlimited resources? Like a kid in a candy store!

Nancy Mosley 2 years, 1 month ago

I have not published an OER Item Sharing Template - I got behind on the activity for last week and am not caught up yet. With unlimited resources, I would hire an OER team to coordinate with each academic department and make a plan for both uploading and reviewing resources to be used at Wake Tech. This would also require each department head and a designated department representative to be on a special OER committee. I would suggest also offering PD credit to instructors who take time to upload and review resources. 

Nancy Mosley 2 years, 1 month ago

I have now finished my resource and published it - though the status is still pending. I saved it in the a folder named eLearning and Instructional Design. 

Tonia Lashley 2 years, 1 month ago

Hi Nancy,

I have the same thought. "With unlimited resources, I would hire an OER team to coordinate with each academic department and make a plan for both uploading and reviewing resources to be used at Wake Tech. This would also require each department head and a designated department representative to be on a special OER committee. I would suggest also offering PD credit to instructors who take time to upload and review resources."

I would also include students which I feel will give them leadership opportunities as well as allow them to have input.


Jennifer Smith 2 years, 1 month ago

Haven't published because my ideas are not concrete yet.

If I had unlimited time I would read and study more about OER so I can advocate at my institution.

Tonia Lashley 2 years, 1 month ago

Hi Jennifer,

I agree with your statement, "If I had unlimited time I would read and study more about OER so I can advocate at my institution." In addition, I think I would create user groups for each academic area and let it be an open project for students to edit each semester.

Tonia Lashley 2 years, 1 month ago

1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey?

I have not published my template yet. However, I will use it as a tool to connect the information from my classes to information in other classes to show students how resources are used to collaborate one area with another.

2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution?

With unlimited resourse, I would use OER as a project for students in my upper level classes to create various templates and resources.

Amelia Wilkinson 2 years, 1 month ago
  1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey?

I have not published my OER Item Sharing Template yet. I believe this template is extremely helpful. 

        2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER              at your institution?

Various areas of our college are now embracing open educational resources. With limitless resources, a long-term and short-term plan could include providing thorough OER training to all current faculty and staff, incorporating OER training into the onboarding of new faculty and staff, switching as many educational resources to the highest quality OER content available, including locally created content by our own content experts, and holding mini conferences and retreats.

Paula Barnette 2 years, 1 month ago


  1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey?

I have not published my OER Item Sharing Template yet.  I plan to use the template as a springboard to encourage a novice to get started.

  1. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution?

If I had unlimited resources, fully understanding them and how to use them, I would assemble a team of colleagues to help develop a series of courses.

Patricia Williams 2 years, 1 month ago

I have not published my template yet. I think it will be helpful as I move through development of resources. I think I would start in a more remix-style approach.

If I had unlimited resources, I would make sure we had a people and the technology to develop virtual labs that go with all of outr biology courses. I think that is an area I woudl like to see improved and that is what I woudl do to make sure we had awesome labs.

Trisha W.

Nick Westveer 2 years, 1 month ago

1. I did publish an OER Item Sharing Template. I believe it will help me share materials in Canvas - the Learning Managment System we use.

2. If I had unlimited resosources I would create a way to find courses at my institution. Then I would use funds to start developing OER resources for the classes.  I would hire lead instructors and some staff to outline and create OER resources which could replace student purchased textbooks, lowering the overall cost for students.

Deborah Barrett 2 years, 1 month ago

I have not published my OER template yet, however I did find it helpful, even with experience using OER's. If I had unlimited resources, I would certainly take the time to help other faculty with the use and search for OER's at the college. Unfortunately it takes so much time to evaluate and prep a quality course using OER's that it would be impossible right now to do so on a large scale with a teaching load and other responsibilities.

Alisha Webb 2 years, 1 month ago

I published my OER item. The questions in the template were helpful in deciding what to share in the platform.

My next steps would be to gather a committee to introduce and encourage more OER usage at my institution. 

Marty Flynn 2 years, 1 month ago

I have not published OER item sharing template but I may use it in the future.

If there were unlimited resources it would be beneficial to have more training on using OER.

Claudia Vestal 2 years, 1 month ago

Prompt: Please share the following:

  1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey? Not yet but publishing my OER is my personal goal for 2023. 

  2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution? I think once created it would be adopted by my College. 

Rochelle Mabry 2 years, 1 month ago

I did post my template, and it's definitely give me some things to consider--especially about whether I'm ready to create or post something of my own. 

I teach a couple of classes (critical thinking, introduction to film) that I haven't been able to find OERs for. I would like to develop resources (including lectures, etc.) for these courses.

Britney Smith 2 years ago

1. Yes, I have published my OER Item Sharing Template. I really like the template, and I appreciate the ease of use. This will definitely provide me the knowledge (and courage) to publish my own OER material on openNCCC.

2. My next steps would be to create OER's that are full-service (i.e. entire course content with quizzes, assignments, etc.), but that would take a lot of time. It's a dream, though! :) 

  1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey?Yes. I plan to use the template that I shared to add additional content. 

  2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution? I would create a team of Community College Experts to answer any question concerning the community college setting. Advising, Pedagogy, Administrative Tasks, Recruitment Ideas, Subject specific questions and SACSCOC requirement questions would be just some of the content area questions. It would be like a live chat to get all the questions in our higher ed world answered.

Jonee Callahan 2 years ago
  1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey? I have not published anything yet. I am hoping to use this in my HRD classes to help Instructors locate information to help students and students in understanding information.  

  2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution? I am not sure. 

Rachel Whitener 2 years ago
  1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey? I have not published the content.  I am still in the planning phases. But the template is great and helps with the planning process.

  2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution?  I think having more time to research and focus on OER content and promotion would be helpful. 

Claudia Vestal 2 years ago

I have remixed and its ready 

Linda Robinson 2 years ago
  1. Have you published your OER Item Sharing Template and how do you see using that to guide your OER journey?  I published my template as a trial and will use it as a guide whenever content is developed through the grant for upload/sharing in OER.

  2. If you had unlimited resources, what OER next steps would you take to increase your access to and use of OER at your institution?  I would collaborate with others around the state/nation to ensure the content created was usable for the Great 58 in North Carolina.

Lucretia White 2 years ago

1. I have not published anything yet. I did practice remixing. I am still searching for materials that fit my need.

2. If unlimited resources were an option, I think forming a committee to OER resources and having dedicated time to remix or develop resources would be helpful. 

bisceglia white 2 years ago


I published one template and I do not see myself using this for my program. I would share the information with my collegues that could use this type of resource.