Authoring Resources (Webinar Three)
by Joanna Schimizzi 2 years, 2 months agoDiscusison Board Tip: Please reply directly to this prompt by clicking "reply" below.
Prompt: Please share the following:
What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group?
What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often?
I was thinking the process of making teaching/learning materials for me works best by working on small segments/parts at a time. I would start with a smaller Unit or Topic and focus on getting it ready to share with others. Then build out from there.
I think finding collaborators to help with the build would make me more interested in authoring. Like others have stated, the time necessary to make materials for a single class is daunting. I do not have an understanding of the time it takes to vet and crete a resource to share with the group/world.
I spent the work time offered mostly thinking about what I wanted to author and what I wanted to include. There are a lot of places to start which felt a bit overwhelming so I stepped back to think of a small piece I could work on to get a feel for things. To make this something I do regularly, I would need to carve out some dedicated time for it. I struggled to stay focused during the work-time yesterday with various other things happening - I definitely would need to schedule some time on a regular basis to give it my fullest attention.
I think it can be overwhelming as well to start.
Scheduling time to work on it is a good idea to get the process going.
As I was considering what to share with the group, I wanted to be able to develop something that I knew would work for my students. I came in knowing my students needed a resource and I wanted to develop it for them. I wanted whatever I shared to be applicable for not only my students, but also others who may need the resource.
I'm so glad we walked through using the platform this week. That was most of my trepidation; I needed to see how it worked before jumping in over my head. Perhaps make the video about using the platform more prominent; it seems to be buried on the first page.
Hi Carole, most of the resources are in the Help Center:
Personally for me, I would need to take a lot of time to plan out a resource and make sure it would stand up to the same scruitny I give other sources. With teaching loads in addition to other administrative duties, sharing resources is at the bottom of my list. I am grateful for those who have the time and energy to devote to this, however if asked to develop something to share with a group of instructors at this very moment, I would have to politely decline to do so, its just too much work on an already full plate.
I think that if I were to get into a habit of authoring on the platform, I would like to see a very simple process. I am thankful for the video that pointed out the helpful videos, but maybe having the resources organized in a different way that made things more easily located would be helpful.
1. What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group?
As I considered what I might author/share with this group; and the Introduction to Compuers courses I am currently teaching, I thought it would be helpful to use some best practices for staying safe online.I would definitely incorporate things such as using strong passwords, making sure login information is secure at all times and not allowing anyone to have or gain access to usernames and/or passwords.
2. What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often?
I would definitely need to be able to map out how to select secure passwords. I think it would helpful to determine if an authoring tool would be helpful and if so, what tool would be the best choice.
When I considered what I might author/share with our group I thought about sharing resources that I spend time evaluating on a topic that is relevant to a wider audience. The criteria for use of a resource would be the same for me individually and what I share with the group in this course would be broader to increase usability of the target population.
For me to author on the platform, my flow would most likely be starting with a remix rather than authoring a new resource. I would identify a topic that is relevant for a current project, create a folder, search resources that can be remixed, are 5 star and save those of interest to explore further. When I have evaluated and selected the resources, then I would remix.
This is the flow I can identify based only on what I have learned so far in this course as I have not remixed a resources as of yet.
1 - I thought it was a good way to get us going without a lot of time to get too hung up on details or the anxiety of creating something. I think our exercises are being deleted? As a Librarian, I will probably not create many OERs, but I will hopefully have questions from faculty and now I know more.
2 - A template of my own would help with the flow.
I thought about adding information literacy handouts. Make something like quick tools instead of larger projects such as books.
1. What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group?
My initial thoughts: Great! Now we get to the meat of actually learning how to author/remix. Then when a template was offered, I grew even more excited and thought this is fantastic! But, when I heard the word publish, suddenly I felt overwhelmed, unpepared and fearful. I was not ready to put something out there for others to see, use or evaluate. At first, I frantically tried to "throw something together"; but, I followed my better judgment and decided against that. I think I need more time to author something substantive.
2. What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often?
I need to be comfortable navigating the platform, a authoring template suited to my needs and set aside a set time to work on authoring. I am thankful that there is support/help offered on the platform.
1. Honestly, I'm not sure what I would author at the moment. I've used openNCCC for resources to incorporate in my classes, but I've never considered placing my work in the system. I have put a lot of work into my ENG-114 course, so if I was to author something, I believe it would fit with the Professional Writing and Research theme the course constitutes. I'm going to give some more thought to this question and see what I can contribute to help other instructors who are teaching this course.
2. It seems that openNCCC hasa everything I need to help with the authoring process. I just need to take the time to utilize all of the authoring tools and explore the platform a bit more.
1. My first thought was, "There is so much material to explore, especially related to English." So, I needed to search through the resources to find something that interests me to remix. However, I do not feel comfortable enough to publish any material.
2. I believe I would need time. I also would prefer to work with others instead of working independently; collaboration is key to me.
I'm a bit hesitant to "author" something until I learn more about the process of creating and sharing resources; plus, in English there are already a lot of available OER. Some other folks have mentioned "starting small," and I think that's what I would do. I've already created a couple of videos and some PowerPoints that I use in my clases.
At this point I might do more straight use or possible "remixing."
1. What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group?
I feel a bit of anxiety around truly authoring a resource, but it feels do-able to rate, update, edit/modify resources. I truly appreciated seeing how this process works in action, and knowing that there is a rigorous review process. There are several big ideas that come to mind: 1-I want to work on resources with a faculty group here at Wake Tech to share the load. 2 - I want to start small (we are considering OER texts for general psychology, but a textbook is too big to start!) 3 - I want to avoid re-creating the wheel. 4 - I want to create a resource that is actually helpful for my students. 5 - I want to gain confidence reviewing/rating pre-existing materials.
2. What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often?
I believe the structure of working with a group of faculty at Wake Tech on shared items and editing each other's work is a great starting point. This would provide shared load and accountability and help me get into the "flow" of regular use. Interestingly, authoring also feels like deep work, that you truly need to carve out uninterrupted time and space for.
My thought process was just to find something simple anyone can use. I am just trying to learn more about the resources. I am not quite sure how I would use this platform
1. I would make sure I have done thorough research into the topic before I start to put things together. I want to make sure that what I am putting is or will be used by others. The purpose of this is to create and share. And in addition, others will add to what I have put together. Therefore, it is important for me to do thorough research.
2. I would plan and do a design template that help me make thing "flow" smoothing. I would make sure I spent time researching on a good instructional design and then go from there.
I felt the same way. I have started designing my template that I think will work for me and my students
What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group? What would be do-able for creating OER for the first time. I changed my mind several times. I then decided to publish a handout that I have already created.
What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often? More detailed planning about what should go in each section.
There seems to be very little in the way of OER for the programming world. I'd like to eventually contribute something, but like others the quality far outweighs the quantity. I think that OER is somehow seen to be more lasting in a way, more authoratitative? I may be wrong, it might be just my perception of it.
I regularly create resources to help faculty learn how to better their online courses. Though this is not typically the materials that are found in the repository, it would be pretty easy to share, I would just have to remember to take the time to put them there.
I agree with others regarding quality over quantity. I would start small and build on that. I would make sure what I shared was accurate and reflected positively on me. I would need a lot of experience working in the platform before I feel like it would be part of my "flow".
I am new to my role as Project Director. Our DOL Grant has objectives which will include OER but I am not developing the content solely, and it is not ready for publishing at this time. I am enjoying hearing and see how this methodology works and know that It will come in handy in the near future.
1. I thought I could share some of the resources I make in my job as an Instructional Designer, for example, I'm currently developing training materials on visual design for learning and Canva.
2. Time built into my early process to search the platform and more time built into my later process to add resources to it. My department is going to be focused on OER materials this year, so that should help me prioritize it.
I would love to author an US history OER. However, I feel it would be an intensive project and I'm not sure the steps it would take to create 'bite-size' chunks to complete this project.
It does seem overwhelming to try to decide what would bring value. Also trying to consider creating something that people may not have to update or remix - making something that is ready to go at any school or library.
A very structured plan and clear purpose for what is created and due dates to keep on track.
What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group?
When thinking about sharing with the group, I like to find material that is beneficial for everyone or a specific department. I would rather find material that has already been made rather then author it myself. I also like the idea of remixing, to add include helpful resources, important information.
2. What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often?
In order for me to author on the platform I would need a step by step structured outline to help me organize my thoughts and resources to use. Although, I would feel more comfortable remixing than authoring myself.
What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group?
my thought process was more about what should I do and share. What will be valuable? Is it something that others will find useful. I think I think too hard about stuff and have issues committing to what will be useful.
What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often?
I think materials relating to labs and getting a group together that is willing to author materials as a team for science labs.
Trisha W.
At this time I would like to just share information and hold off on authoring.
I would need to do more research and obtain more experience before authoring a platform and knowing what flow would work for me.
What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group? I am planning on authoring more than adding. I have created materials for an Introductory Spanish Course.
What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often? I would also like to organize a group to author materials for presentational and interpersonal communication.
What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group? I would like to author some of my activities/resources from my MAT 171 courses and/or statistics course. Now that I see that there is a need for resources Id be willing to author some activities that I have been successful with in the past.
What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often? More individuals posting content that is related to my discipline. More content makes me want to share more.
What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group? My thought process as I considered what I might author/share with the group involved thinking about the field that I am in. I am a librarian and I wanted to create/remix something that would help students improve information literacy skills.
What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often? This webinar has been very helpful. I have learned how to search the platform, how to mix/remix content and create my own content. I am more comfortable and knowledgable about OER content now, which is great.
What was your thought process today as you considered what you might author/share with this group? I have a class that I help teach that I would consider drafting something to share.
What might you need to make authoring on the platform part of your "flow" that you use often? I will need more time to develop a flow to ensure that the content that eventually gets developed by the grant ends up in OER in a suitable format.