Finding Resources (Webinar One)

by Joanna Schimizzi 2 years, 2 months ago

Discusison Board Tip: Please reply directly to this prompt by clicking "reply" below.

Prompt: Please share the following:

  1. Copy and paste the title from the Landing Page of the resource and it will come with the title and hyperlink. (Example: Describing Countries in Economic Terms)

  2. What is a strength of this resource

  3. What else do you want to share about this resource?

Rochelle Mabry 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi, Carole!

This looks like a great resource! I might use some of it for ENG 241 in the future. Do you find that students also need the modern English translations for some of the earlier texts?

Carole Mehle 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi, Rochelle.

I provided modern text translations if the text did not.

Sarah Brown 2 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for sharing this! We are moving ENG 241 and 242 to OER in the fall, so I appreciate hearing from someone who has already used OER for those classes.

Carole Mehle 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi, Sarah. The best part of this is that there are two volumes, one for ENG 241 and the other for ENG 242.

Katherine Davis 2 years, 2 months ago

This looks like an excellent book for this course.  I will enjoy reading it too!

Kim Barber 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. Taking Responsibility

  2. Strengths of this resource are receipt of a five star rating and alignment with NCCC course ACA 111.

  3. The resource type is a textbook and is authored by Bethany Emory, The version is a remix of a previous version and is availbe to save and remix as well. The license is Creative Commons Attibution. The resource is a campanion text to EDUC 1300/1200/1100 Learning Framework: Effective Study Strategies for College Success at Austin Community College.

Nick Westveer 2 years, 2 months ago

Logo Recognition Game

This is a Shared Google Slides activity which can be remixed and be used in multiple courses.

This would work as a good icebreaker activity as well as review activity.

Kim Barber 2 years, 2 months ago

Love the Logo Recognition Game as an icebreaker. It would be interesting to add the college logo to see when (or if) students recognized it.

Thanks for posting this resource.

Christine Wilson 2 years, 2 months ago

This looks ke a great resource and definately something I can share with my faculty in a new course I am developing.

Dawn Harvel 2 years, 2 months ago

How to Cure Aging - During Your Lifetime?

Resource strength - I really like that it's a video and not just text. It is also accessible. It's a good length and is interesting - presenting facts and provides many points for further discussion. 

Other things to share - It's an interesting video on its own but as a resource might be even more useful if it had discussion questions or ways to implement it. I wonder if that's beyond the scope of a resource like this? As it's a video - it would be hard to do anything with it in terms of mixing. 

Joanna Schimizzi 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi Dawn -- I found your resource and really value your comments. Might you be willing to share with the group on Thursday?

~ Joanna

Lucretia White 2 years, 2 months ago

Some strengths Oregan Writes Open Writing Text are that it teaches the writing process, introduces various rhetorical modes, and discusses critical reading. This can be a valuable resource in a developmental ENG course and an ENG 111 course. 

Susan Whittemore 2 years, 2 months ago

This resource provides a series of images with descriptions about the process of by Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2. It is easy to understand, easy to read, and easy to follow with step-by-step progression of the concept.  As a biology instructor it is sometimes difficult to find good illustrations that represent difficult biological concepts to which students must have a clear understanding.  This page also provides links to other illustrated biological concepts that could be easily adapted to use as individual teaching lessons. 

The only downside is that some of the visuals require flash player to view as a video of a completed concept and Flash is no longer supported on may computers. 

Touger Vang 2 years, 2 months ago

Merlot has tons of information.  I did a search on Human Resources and this is the landing page for HR materials.  I like how they list each materials as a separate link with image and short note on the page.  

Alisha Webb 2 years, 2 months ago

The following course explanations, tips and exercises to review information literacy topics and how to properly develop a search. I would highly recommend using this resource to help students learn and review information literacy and research concepts. 

Sarah Brown 2 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for sharing this! I am always looking for ways to help students with research.

Christine Wilson 2 years, 2 months ago

Copyright & Fair Use

This resource seemed fitting for this week's topic. Also, in my role, I am responsible to helping faculty understand this concept and others in regard to building an online course.

This is a SoftChalk presentation that does a nice job explaining what copyright, public domain, and fair use are and the typcs of creative commons licenses. Importantly it discusses the TEACH act and how copyright can be limited for classroom use.

J Edward Ladenburger 2 years, 2 months ago

Resource: Instructor Workbook for Flipped Learning Design

A strength of this resource is that it is clearly written by a "Twitter friend" I follow and encourages the immediate application of concepts, as it is a "workbook" with examples and explanations.

This is a resource, I found and added to OpenNCCC -- ( I appreciated the creative commons license )

Patricia Williams 2 years, 2 months ago

1. Corn Genetics - Rotating Corn Model I liked the rotaing models of corn for Genetics. While it was flashing when I first went to it... when I hit pause.. it worked fine.

2. This is a good resource for looking at the outcomes of some of our genetics problems and probability outcomes.

3. There are other images like this that would be helpful in Open NCCCS

Marty Flynn 2 years, 2 months ago

Wisc-Online Medical Asepsis

This resource shows just how important medical asepsis is in order to protect patients and healthcare workers. It is an eye opener to see how many germs are out there and how simple medical asepsis can destroy them.

bisceglia white 2 years, 2 months ago

I would use this resource for ideas on how to make my online course more interactive.

Cynthia Cofield 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. Copy and paste the title from the Landing Page of the resource and it will come with the title and hyperlink. 

  2. What is a strength of this resource. Professional communication skills will help you no matter what field you are in.

  3. What else do you want to share about this resource? It has the option to download the book in several formats (EPUB3, EPUB, Digital PDF, Print PDF, MOBI, HTML Book, XHTML, Pressbooks XML, and WordPress XML). Options for everyone! No excuses.  :-) 



Deborah Maness 2 years, 2 months ago

Common Lit Library is a good resource of readings to use in English courses. It lists the grade level and Lexile of the readings. My concern is most of the readings are grades 3 - 12, not college level.

Angela Davis 2 years, 2 months ago

Resource: Learning Framework: Effective Strategies for College Success  

What is a strength of this resource? 
Each lesson includes a very detailed list of licenses and attributions at the end.  

What else do you want to share about this resource? 
I would like to know if others think this would be a good example of how to handle licenses/attributions when creating or adapting a resource, especially when using this platform to host materials. Does anyone see any red flags here? Just curious – because this is the area where I struggle the most. Or, I guess I should say that this is the area where I doubt myself and am never sure if I'm doing everything correctly. 

Nick Westveer 2 years, 2 months ago

Being new to the Community Colleges, it is very interesting for me to see the resources avaiable to help students transfer and succeed.

Amelia Wilkinson 2 years, 2 months ago

Thank you Angela for this resource! I have been working on a student guide for our College (MCC) and these units will be awesome for me to review to maybe include some ideas for tips for success for students. 

Marion Pope 2 years, 2 months ago

Marion Pope

Overview: This collection of free, public-domain clip art is an attempt at creating a central location for users to find clip art in the public domain to use in non-commercial efforts.

Deborah Barrett 2 years, 2 months ago

I appreciate you sharing this. This resource can be useful for a lot of courses to add graphics.

Cliff Berry 2 years, 2 months ago

The Reformation

I like this resource becuase the content is diverse and informative. It uses essential questions, videos, readings, slides, and timelines. It weakness for my application is that it is gear towards the AP Euro curriculum and is meant to work in conjection with a textbook.


William Teale 2 years, 2 months ago

Accessibility Evaluation

Accessibility is something I am determined to cover in upcoming clases, starting with WEB-250 in January. This activity will be perfect complement to the lesson.


Paula Barnette 2 years, 2 months ago


  1. Copy and paste the title from the Landing Page of the resource and it will come with the title and hyperlink. (Example: Describing Countries in Economic Terms)                                                                     GVL - Factoring and Solving Quadratic Equations

  2. What is a strength of this resource? The resource has a read out loud tool called Read Speaker added to the page, no-stakes practice problems that are interactive, videos & supplemental handouts.

  3.  What else do you want to share about this resource?  I like that we can change the settings on the Read Speaker. I think it helps with pronunciation of terms as well as helps with accessibility; however, there is a glitch in reading subtraction and I don’t see how you can go back to a section you want to re-read without going back to the beginning of the page.  License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike


This particular module is one in a series of the Algebra I Course for GVL.

Julie Reed 2 years, 2 months ago

ART 102 - Understanding Art

I am trying to asssist our Art History faculty with finding OER and I like that this comes from another community college and has a Canvas course export package. I think we could work with this, even though we use Brightspace. 

I like that this course in particular emphasizes writing skills as well as visual appreciation skills when evaluating visual art.


Cynthia Eayre 2 years, 2 months ago


It is free, is easy to access from anywhere.  It is not great.  Some illustrations are good, some are not.  


So that is one resource.  

Tonia Lashley 2 years, 2 months ago

Copy and paste the title from the Landing Page of the resource and it will come with the title and hyperlink. (Example: Describing Countries in Economic Terms)

What is a strength of this resource?

Best practices in the ethical use of information.

What else do you want to share about this resource?

This is a great resource for  Adult High School, Curriculum Education, Continuing Education and Basic Skills. Therefore, it seems to cover all levels of secondary education. 

Deborah Barrett 2 years, 2 months ago  Criminal Law

This is a book we are using for our CJC 131 course this term. It is very good and allows us to make it specific for NC and even tailor some information that is local to our area as well.

Nicholle Stone 2 years, 2 months ago

Guiding Principles to Online Instruction


I found this resource to be absolutely the fundamentals that all courses should be based upon, regardless of delivery modality.

It is a good reminder for all of us and a good intro for those new to the subject.


Deborah Barrett 2 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for sharing this resource. I think that this would be a good thing to incorporate for my adjuncts so that they can learn some new skills.

Nancy Mosley 2 years, 2 months ago

The Great American Taxing Game

A strength is that it is an interesting video and makes me want to play the game. But I couldn't find the link to take me to the game. Also, I noticed the title of the video creator was Learning Liberty and the host was from Samford University - which, when I Googled is a Baptist University. I'm not sure why I couldn't get to the YouTube video description at the end of the video, and I don't think this is an unbiased, reliable source. Unless the instructor was using it to teach about political bias, it isn't appropriate for higher education. 

Jodi Zieverink 2 years, 2 months ago 

This is a resource for a tough physiology topic about muscle contraction.  I like the clear diagrams which help with this complex topic.

Leigh Heath 2 years, 2 months ago

This resource gives good tips about creating a resume.  It would be a good "quick" video to have students watch and then discuss as a group.

Paige Roseman 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello, this is Paige with Wake Tech, and I am a psychology instructor.

1- (sorry the title is not coming with: GVL - Learning - AP Psychology)

2- This is a comprehensive resource, I believe a SoftChalk module, that includes key terms, flashcards, built-in videos, self-check quizzes, discussion board prompts, handouts and rubrics.

3- As I think about building OER Resources, I am curious whether these built-in modules are easy to share, for students to use, etc. I know that we have shared SoftChalk modules in our teaching teams before, but want to be clear so that I can direct my search for resources etc.

Amelia Wilkinson 2 years, 1 month ago
  1. Copy and paste the title from the Landing Page of the resource and it will come with the title and hyperlink. (Example: Describing Countries in Economic Terms): 


CIS 195 - Web Development I - OER (PUBLIC)

2. What is a strength of this resource? I like the foundation of the layout and is beginner friendly. 

3. What else do you want to share about this resource? This is a course that has a nice table of contents. You have to create an account with the University that owns the rights of this course in order to access the links.

This resource helps people understand the job seeking process.  


Linda Robinson 2 years ago
  1. Copy and paste the title from the Landing Page of the resource and it will come with the title and hyperlink. (Example: Describing Countries in Economic Terms)

Better Visual Design for Learning: Effective Instructional Graphics

2,  What is a strength of this resource

This resource is a terrific graphic organizer which can be used to create, select, or improve instructional graphics.  I love that it includes Bloom's taxonomy.

3.  What else do you want to share about this resource?

I like that it a one-page organizer.