Introductions (Webinar One)

by Joanna Schimizzi 2 years, 2 months ago

Discusison Board Tip: Please reply directly to this prompt by clicking "reply" below.

Prompt: Please share the following about yourself:

  1. What is your name and organization?

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before?

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position?

Cliff Berry 2 years, 2 months ago

Good afternoon. I am Cliff Berry, Lead Instructor of History and Hummanities at Wilkes Community College. Other than general knowledge through my experience in teaching about the use of copyrighted and licensed material, I don't much experience in this area. Our campus has commited to using OER, so my intent is to locate, produce, and implement quality OER material. 

J Edward Ladenburger 2 years, 2 months ago

1. J. Edward (Ed) Ladenburger -- Carteret CC

2. Some - yes

3. Supporting faculty in adoption and implementation -- also create some content

Tonia Lashley 2 years, 2 months ago

What is your name and organization? My name is Tonia Lashley and I am employed with Halifax Community College. 

How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before? The only interaction I have had with copyright and licensing is when I was a student in college. 

How do you see yourself using OER in your position? Currently, I am not sure. However, I am hopeful to learn something I can use to implement in my online courses. (CIS 110)

Deborah Maness 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi Tonia,

I grew up in Roanoke Rapids. Spragins is my maiden name. Many of my friends and relatives have taken classes there.

Deborah Maness

Tonia Lashley 2 years, 2 months ago

It is always nice to meet people who feel like family. Nice to mee tyou.

Patricia Williams 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello everyone,

What is your name and organization? My name is Patricia Williams and I am the Associate Dean of Arts and Science and Biology Faculty at Gaston College.

How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before? I use it when I create material I share with faculty to use. I try to make sure to use it when I create something I share.

How do you see yourself using OER in your position? I want to help other faculty learn to find and use OER as well as add more OER in my courses. :)

Jonee Callahan 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello Patricia, 

My name is Jonee Callahan, I am the Director, HRD at Nash Community College. I am hoping that the OER Training helps me find and add OER to my courses. 


Carole Mehle 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi, I'm Carole Mehle. I am lead instructor of humanities and an English instructor at Edgecombe Community College.

My knowledge about copyright and licensing is limited.

I already use many OER resources, primarily textbooks in two courses and much of the NROC material in two other courses. Since most of my classes are online, I am always looking to make them more interactive and more cost efficient. ECC is highly encouraging faculty to move in the OER direction. I am also considering authoring some OER material for use in the courses I teach.

Deborah Maness 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi. I teach English 111 at Wake Tech. I'd love to hear about the OER resources you are using.

I use Common Lit and Lumen Learning.

Deobrha Maness

Todd Krueger 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi, everyone!  I'm Todd Krueger at College of The Albemarle in Elizabeth City, and I'm new to copyrights and licensing.  We are always looking for ways to reduce student costs, so I'm looking forward to seeing what OER resources are available for our courses.

Jonee Callahan 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello Todd, 


I am also new to copyrights and licensing. Reducing student costs is also my goal. 

Touger Vang 2 years, 2 months ago

Nyob zoo.  My name is Touger Vang.  Currently, I am working for Montgomery Community College as the Dean of Learning Resources.  As a trained librarian, I have general knowledge about copyright and licensing usage for educational purposes.  Whatever I do not know. I seek information from the American Library Association.  In my position, I promote, support and research open educational resources for faculty who wants to use them.  Personally and professionally, I use OER for professional development on my own.



Michael Jefferson 2 years, 2 months ago

My name is Michael Jefferson Jr. I am a Division Director for College Transfer and Health Sciences at Roanoke Chowan Community College. I am also Mathematics Faculty. I have had training on creative commons. The training was brief and was also several years ago. Today's training was a good refresher. I will be implementing more NCCCS suppoted OER in the courses I teach to start. I will then get other instructors onboard with how to implement OER afterward.

J Edward Ladenburger 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello Michael,

Just touching base regarding your mathematics instruction -- have you found good OER problem sets?



Michael Jefferson 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello and good afternoon, 

Not yet Mr. Ladenburger. Im currently using Pearson Resources for my current courses. I did complete a Google form to be sent a digital copy of a Precalculus book using OER today. Im looking forward to reviewing it and maybe adding it in as a practice resource for students in our LMS.

Let me know if you find something, if you are looking as well.  

Mr. J  

Carla Colin 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. What is your name and organization? My name is Carla Colin; I am a faculty and part time Distance learning assistant at Sampson Community College.

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before? Like Cliff said, I don't have much experience in this area, other than general knowledge through my experience in teaching.

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position? I would like to use more OER in my courses and help other occupational instructors find resources for their classes.

William Teale 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi Carla,  I'm like you, I am really looking forward to finding lots of OER for each course I'm planning, taking the burden of cost away and giving the students as much information/opportunities to learn as possible.

Nick Westveer 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello everyone,

My name is Nick Westveer working at Guilford Technical Community College.

I have used/remixed resources when creating lessons for face-to-face and online instruction.

I can see myself advocating for instructors to integrate OER resources into their courses.

Dawn Harvel 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello, everyone. My name is Dawn Harvel and I am the Department Chair for the Human Services Technology programs at Wake Technical Community College. I have enough knowlege of licensing and copyright to be dangerous - I've attended some workshops in the past on the topic but never quite seem to fully grasp the ins and outs. In my current position, I'm interested in learning to locate and mix resources to fit my programs and to create/author some that can be used in my program and other programs around the state.

Kim Barber 2 years, 2 months ago

My name is Kim Barber and I am the Distance Learning Coordinator at Martin Community College in Williamston, N.C..

I have always tried to be diligent about compliance with copyright laws both in my previous role as a faculty member and in my current staff role. I noticed early on in my teaching career that acting on misconceptions or well meaning "handed-down" ideas of copyright laws easily resulted in gray area decisions if not outright violations. Researching compliance is a much better route to make an informed decision.

OER content in the LMS environment, just as any other resource, must comply with all federal and state rules and laws (i.e. ADA, copyright) and professional development (PD) for instructors in this area falls within distance learning. Additonally, coordination of PD on OER integration into the LMS environment using the openNCCCS LTI feature is important for our college as we have not heavily promoted this tool. 

Marty Flynn 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello everyone!

My name is Marty Flynn and I am the Division Chair of Allied Health and Public Safety at Martin Community College.

I have interacted with copyright and licensing.

I currenly OER to supplement some of my current courses.

Jennifer Smith 2 years, 2 months ago

Jennifer Smith, Reference & Instruction Librarian, Alamance Community College

I have interacted with copyright in my work in libraries mostly helping students and faculty understand copyright from a information literacy view.  I do not have exerpience with liscensing. 

I see myself as being an advocated for OER on my campus and assisting faculty and staff with understanding OER better and helping them to find OER resources they can use in their work. 

Nicholle Stone 2 years, 2 months ago

Nicholle Stone, Guilford Tech CC.

I've taught students the basic of searching Google for items by licensing. This was for a multimedia (Designing CBT) course that I taught for 10 years.

Supporting faculty in knowing the basics - what OER is, how to find them and how to use them as well as WHY to use them.

Leigh Heath 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello, everyone,

My name is Leigh Heath.  I am a full-time faculty member at Wayne Community College where I am the Lead Office Administration Instructor.  I have a limited background in copyright.  I do not feel comfortable enough to know everything involved in OER.  I would eventually like to have as many of my courses as possible not requiring a textbook.  I see myself using OER to meet that goal I have set.


Lucretia White 2 years, 2 months ago



Good afternoon. My name is Lucretia White, and I am the Program Coordinator of  Academic Foundations at the College of The Albemarle. Since I oversee ACA 111 and ACA 122, I have some experience with OER. We use an Open Stax textbook in our ACA classes. 

Susan Whittemore 2 years, 2 months ago

My name is Susan Whittemore and I work at Gaston College. My experience with copyright and licensing is very limited. I want to build a series of OER resources for my Biology Course with the goal of eventually helping other faculty to find and build their own OER resources for the courses as well.

Michele Domenech 2 years, 2 months ago

Great to see you in this discussion, Susan! I had no idea you were interested in creating OER materials for your biology courses. That is so amazing. I know you will have some creative ideas! Your students always rave about your classes. I can't wait to see what you have to share!

Alisha Webb 2 years, 2 months ago


My name is Alisha Webb. I am a librarian at Guilford Technical Community College. I keep up-to-date on copyright and licensing topics so that I can help the GTCC community understand these complex issues. 

I forsee being a resource to the college as someone who can help find existing OER and describe what it is. 

Christine Wilson 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello. I am Christine Wilson, LMS administrator at Johnston Community College. I taught for about 10 years and have spent the last 10 years in different roles in DL administration. As an instructor, I had to make sure that the materials I used abided by copyright and licensing rules. In DL administration, I have to keep an eye on classes to make sure that instructors are using materials legally. Typically in my role, I help instructors determine the best tools to use to make the best courses they can.

Michele Domenech 2 years, 2 months ago

Christine, as DL Admin, you advise instructors on what tools they should use in their classes? You also evaluate for copyright issues in the courses and such in the courses? Do you work with an ID or other DL staff? I am very interested.

Christine Wilson 2 years, 2 months ago

My role here is a bit different than most DL Admins I think. We are supposed to have a staff of several, but don't have them. I only got into this position in September when the other roles were empty, so looking forward to seeing how my role might change once they get filled. Fortunately, my background, MS in ID, EdD in High Ed Admin, provides me with the knowledge to serve in a wider capacity than perhaps a typical DL admin might.

Rachel Whitener 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. What is your name and organization? Rachel Whitener, Director of Learning Resources at Tri-County Community College. (Library Director)

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before?  I have limited general knowledge regarding copyright issues and licensing.

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position?  As a Librarian, I feel that OER is extremely important. I want to learn more about OER and help faculty navigate the resources.

Dana Glauner 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. What is your name and organization? Dana Glauner - South Piedmont Community College

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before? I am a librarian so I have had to learn a bit about copyright and Fair Use. I have also had to learn about Creative Commons copyrights.

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position?  I am already assisting faculty with finding OER for their classes and looking at the CC license to see how the resource may be use.

Paula Barnette 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. What is your name and organization?  Hello everyone, my name is Paula Barnette. Corequisite Discipline Chair/Instructor in the Mathematics Division at Central Piedmont Community College
  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before?  I have interacted some while setting up shared models in D2L for corequisite courses.  We use Lumen in our MAT 121/021, Algebra Trigonometry/Algebra Trigonometry Support courses. I wasn't in on the initial set up.
  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position?  I need to be more confident and competent because of my responsibilities as corequisite chair. I would like to see more interactive OER content in the corequisite courses and in my other classes that I teach that would make the course more engaging and compliant.
bisceglia white 2 years, 2 months ago

My name is Bisceglia White. I am at College of the Albemarle. I have never interacted with copyright or licensing before. I could see our program using and sharing free resources but I am not exaclty sure how yet

Britney Smith 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello everyone. My name is Britney Smith, College Transfer Advising Coordinator/English Instructor at Wilson Community College. Yes, I have interacted with copyright and licensing before, but I'm always learning. I intend to convert all of my English classes to OER material. 

Cynthia Cofield 2 years, 2 months ago


  1. What is your name and organization? Edgecombe Community College

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before? N/A

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position? Teaching continuing education courses right now and working on MBA. "Future" college instructor.



Angela Davis 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. Angela Davis, Pitt Community College Library
  2. I get questions from faculty related to creative commons licensing and copyright who are adapting OER and from those who want to use library materials in their online courses.
  3. I have helped several faculty members by curating lists of open textbooks, course modules, etc., which helps them get an idea of what is available for their subject area. In those lists, I include search suggestions for how they can search for more on their own. 
William Teale 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi Everybody My name is Bill Teale. Currently I am an adjunct instructor at McDowell Tech CC in Marion NC. From January I will be joining the full time faculty of the IT department, 

I have a successful web design business that I have built from scratch since 2008, and I do have knowledge of the copyright and licensing maze. At one point in my industry ambulance-chasing lawyers turn away from accidents and to trawling through the internet looking for copyright violations on images to make a quick buck.

I am taking over a set of online classes that mostly use LinkedIn Learning as their knowledge base. The upside for the student is they have less cost that traditional paper books, and more up to date references, but I want to come away from LinkedIn and produce my own video lectures, backed up with OER meterial wherever possible to make the courses the most interesting, and relevant cost effective they could possibly be.

William Teale 2 years, 2 months ago

Thank you! I am sooo nervous, but I have a great support system!


Rochelle Mabry 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi, everyone!

I'm Rochelle Mabry, and I teach English at Martin Community College. I'm a little familar with using Creative Commons items and am using some OER in a couple of courses this semester, but I still have a lot to learn. I'd like to incorporate OER in each of my courses in the future. 

Deborah Maness 2 years, 2 months ago


I am Deborah Maness and teach English at Wake Tech Community College. Librarians at the college have helped with confirming resources are available for my courses. I have used both free and OER resources, mainly Common Lit and Lumen Learning. I have not attempted to revise any OER used.

I am currently using all online and OER in my ENG 111 online course.

Julie Reed 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello everyone, 

My name is Julie Reed and I'm the E-Learning Librarian at Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte. I have some experience with Creative Commons licenses and have learned a great deal about copyright as an OER advocate - but there is always something new to learn. I co-lead a Faculty Learning Commons group here on OER and Open Pedagogy and regularly consult with instructors and departments to faciltate OER adoption here at Central Piedmont.

Michele Domenech 2 years, 2 months ago

My name is Michele Domenech, and I am an English Instructor and Global Education Program Coordinator at Gaston College. I have used an OER in the past, attended OER conferences, and used/created them in the past while teaching in Texas, so I am familiar with copyright and licensing. The English Department is reviewing the Writing Guide with Handbook to be used Fall 2024 (Summer Pilot) for ENG 111/112. I also use an OER in my ENG 111 course where I teach Ethnographic Writing in the Composition Classroom as part of my globalized class. Engaging Communities: Writing Ethnographic Research.

Sarah Brown 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello! My name is Sarah Brown, and I am an assistant professor of English at College of the Albemarle. I have minimal experience with copyright and licensing. It always seemed overwhelming to me, but I thought it was explained well in the first webinar. I already use OER in ENG 102, 111, 112, and 232. I'm happy with the selection of OER I have found for most of my classes, but I wish I could find something better for ENG 232. 

Steven Fowler 2 years, 2 months ago

Good afternoon my name is Steven Fowler.  I am the Director of Fire Services with Wake Tech Community College. I have never interacted with copyright and licensing before now I’m a beginner.  I see myself assisting instructors and students in adding resources to their professional development toolbox.

Rebecca Williams 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. What is your name and organization?

    I am Rebecca Robertson - Chemistry instructor at Nash Community College.

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before?

    I maintain a rather nerdy website (not affiliated with my role on campus). I've tried to be diligent in respecting copyrighted material in the graphics I choose. 

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position?

    I am considering open resources for the courses I teach, specifically with respect to the textbook. The main option I've explored is OpenStax.

Cynthia Eayre 2 years, 2 months ago

My name is Cynthia Eayre.  I am faculty at AB Tech.  I have had some training on copy right and licensing. the rules are nto at all clear.  I use OER teaching Biology.  However, it is very time consuming for me to find the content I need, organize it, present it, create exam questions from it.  I use Open stax to teach biology and it is not adequate.  the students struggle with it.


Deborah Barrett 2 years, 2 months ago

Deborah Barrett - South Piedmont Community College. I have used OERs in my courses and have dealth with copyright and licensing before while trying to get my OER's set up for this fall.

Nancy Mosley 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. What is your name and organization? Nancy Mosley, Wake Tech Instructional Designer

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before? On my Etsy store, I have to be careful not to violate the rules. Recently, someone contacted me because they had licensed the phrase "Star Baker" from the British Bake Off and I had to take down the funny aprons I had made.

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position? Incorporating them in PD trainings for Wake Tech instructors

Paige Roseman 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi! I'm Paige Roseman with Wake Tech Community College. I have not interacted much with copyright and licensing before. I'd like to learn more and I'm excited to explore OER resources specific to psychology courses. I am working with a team of faculty at my institution on this effort.

Jonee Callahan 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello, my name is Jonee Callahan, I am the Director of HRD.  I work at Nash Community College. I have not really had an interaction with copyright and licensing before. I oversee some OE classes, I would like to be able to offer students cheaper options to class materials. 

Claudia Vestal 2 years, 2 months ago

1.Claudia G Vestal, Ed D

2. I am familiar with it because I have created some teaching materials. 

3. I would love to create a book for my course. 

Amelia Wilkinson 2 years, 1 month ago
  1. What is your name and organization? Amelia Wilkinson, Martin Community College

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before? Yes, when I was a student when writing papers, using creative commons frequently when using resources contributing to my work. I am currently learning more about copyright as it applies to my position as the Assistant LMS Admin.

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position? When creating and developing any resources and professional development for instructors and students. The images and accessibility used for marketing and creating flyers, powerpoints, etc. 

Cynthia Cofield 2 years ago

Prompt: Please share the following about yourself:

  1. What is your name and organization? Cynthia Cofield

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before? No

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position? My goal is to teach curriculum classes at a university level. Currently I only teach continuing education couurses. 

1. Roslyn Pemberton, Nash Community College

2. I have no interaction with copyright and licensing. 

3. I will encourage my staff  to use the resources to enhance their instructional practice.  

1. Nichole LaPointe from Nash Community College.

2. I have interacted a very small amount with copyright and licensing.

3. As an Instructional Designer, I could help colleagues with this.

Linda Robinson 2 years ago
  1. What is your name and organization?  Linda Robinson; Forsyth Technical Community College

  2. How have you interacted with copyright and licensing before?  Some whenever I wrote papers in college and freelance wrote for a magazine.

  3. How do you see yourself using OER in your position?  I am the Project Director for a DOL Grant where all of the content we create will be uploaded to OER upon completion.