
by Seth Kamen 1 month ago

Hello everyone. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Seth Kamen, I am the new State Director of Credit Mobility for the NCCCS system.One of my primary responsibilities is to help our colleges implement, expand and assess CPL programs. My goal is to be a resource, coordinator, and advocate. 

You can reach me at I look forward to working with you!

Seth Kamen 

Linda Robinson 1 month ago

Welcome, Seth!

I am so happy to hear that you in the new State Director role for Credit Mobility. Your presence should help drive awareness and opportunity among the Great 58.

Is your office at the System Office?  If so, I have recently joined ApprenticeshipNC in addition to my role as Project Director for the AWESM grant (now part-time). Would love to stop by and meet you the next time I am in Raleigh.

Best regards, Linda Robinson

Seth Kamen 1 month ago

Hi Linda! Yes, my office is at the system office. However, I am working remotely while my family and I relocate from Maryland. I'll be in and out until we get settled, so if you do come to visit, please let me know. If I am around, I'd be happy to grab a coffee!
