AWESM Credit for Prior Learning Update
by Ann Walker 1 month agoGood morning! We'd like to provide an update on the credit for prior learning progress that has been made in the AWESM grant.
A CPL Workgroup has been established to further the development of a standardized means of awarding credit for prior learning at Forsyth Tech. Input has been received from the AWESM consortium partners.
The Workgroup last met in August. The CPL Policy has been drafted and is being submitted for executive review. The updated Procedure will follow its update/approval. IT will begin work on the standardized CPL form in Q4. Once complete, the CPL Group will finalize its plan to how student outreach and faculty/staff training will occur.
The CPL landing page on the college website is also getting some activity from current and prospective students. The AWESM Program Staff Assistant shared the information she gleaned from her review of other colleges’ websites for best practices. She has also been working on creating a draft for a student-friendly version of the CPL Guide. This guide would include more graphics and make the language in the guide more concise and accessible.
Since FTCC’s last post on openNCCC, 24 additional students have been awarded Credit for Prior Learning for a total of 103 credits awarded.