What changes do you recommend to make this group more relevant? What topics would you like addressed in the future?

by Elizabeth Simpson 3 years, 1 month ago

Ideas for the future:  

  • email marketing
  • lunch and learns
  • microlearning
  • Lunch and Learn Taskforce
  • 15-minute demos each meeting
  • email accessibility:  Outlook and Gmail
Joseph Polizzotto 3 years, 1 month ago

I like the idea of a show and tell in which we can share best practices. For example, how does math accessibility look at this school, in this LMS, in this department.

I think offering a central clearing house where strategies and best practices, from this group and outside, can be stored would be helpful.

The NC collaborative group seems to have this purpose in mind, too, Perhaps we need to focus on what issues are unique to the CCs that we can offer that group if they will be the ones organizing the centralized resource.