Unrestricted Use
This open textbook is designed specifically for library and information science courses and is authored and edited by copyright experts in libraries.
This textbook addresses legal issues relevant to librarians, archivists, and information technologists. Topics covered include copyright and intellectual property, contracts and licensing, FOIA, open meetings acts, bonds and millages, NAGPRA, and federal library legislation.
- Subject:
- Information Science
- Law
- Social and Behavioral Science
- Material Type:
- Textbook
- Provider:
- Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project
- Author:
- Carla Myers
- Cindy Kristof
- Collette Mak
- Cynthia B
- Faulhaber Thomas D Colis
- Lisa A
- Michael Robak
- Ruth Dukelow
- Sandra Enimil
- Sunshine Carter
- Date Added:
- 01/21/2022