The resource "A Button object type" is included in the "Transformations" section …
The resource "A Button object type" is included in the "Transformations" section of the "Advanced JS: Games & Visualizations" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, Javascript, Grames, Visualizations, Transformations.
Although C# is derived from the C programming language, it introduces some …
Although C# is derived from the C programming language, it introduces some unique and powerful features, such as delegates (which can be viewed as type-safe function pointers) and lambda expressions which introduce elements of functional programming languages, as well as a simpler single class inheritance model (than C++) and, for those of you with experience in "C-like" languages, a very familiar syntax that may help beginners become proficient faster than its predecessors. Similar to Java, it is object-oriented, comes with an extensive class library, and supports exception handling, multiple types of polymorphism, and separation of interfaces from implementations. Those features, combined with its powerful development tools, multi-platform support, and generics, make C# a good choice for many types of software development projects: rapid application development projects, projects implemented by individuals or large or small teams, Internet applications, and projects with strict reliability requirements. Testing frameworks such as NUnit make C# amenable to test-driven development and thus a good language for use with Extreme Programming (XP). Its strong typing helps to prevent many programming errors that are common in weakly typed languages.
C is the most commonly used programming language for writing operating systems. …
C is the most commonly used programming language for writing operating systems. The first operating system written in C is Unix. Later operating systems like GNU/Linux were all written in C. Not only is C the language of operating systems, it is the precursor and inspiration for almost all of the most popular high-level languages available today. In fact, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby are all written in C. By way of analogy, let's say that you were going to be learning Spanish, Italian, French, or Portuguese. Do you think knowing Latin would be helpful? Just as Latin was the basis of all of those languages, knowing C will enable you to understand and appreciate an entire family of programming languages built upon the traditions of C. Knowledge of C enables freedom.
The resource "CSS Basics" is included in the "Intro to CSS" section …
The resource "CSS Basics" is included in the "Intro to CSS" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS: Selecting by class" is included in the "Intro to …
The resource "CSS: Selecting by class" is included in the "Intro to CSS" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS: Selecting by id" is included in the "Intro to …
The resource "CSS: Selecting by id" is included in the "Intro to CSS" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS Zen Garden" is included in the "CSS text properties" …
The resource "CSS Zen Garden" is included in the "CSS text properties" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS box model" is included in the "CSS layout" section …
The resource "CSS box model" is included in the "CSS layout" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS descendant selectors" is included in the "More CSS selectors" …
The resource "CSS descendant selectors" is included in the "More CSS selectors" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS dynamic pseudo-classes" is included in the "More CSS selectors" …
The resource "CSS dynamic pseudo-classes" is included in the "More CSS selectors" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS floating elements" is included in the "CSS layout" section …
The resource "CSS floating elements" is included in the "CSS layout" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS font-family property" is included in the "CSS text properties" …
The resource "CSS font-family property" is included in the "CSS text properties" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS font-size property" is included in the "CSS text properties" …
The resource "CSS font-size property" is included in the "CSS text properties" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS font styles and shorthand" is included in the "CSS …
The resource "CSS font styles and shorthand" is included in the "CSS text properties" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS grouping elements" is included in the "CSS layout" section …
The resource "CSS grouping elements" is included in the "CSS layout" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS inheritance" is included in the "CSS text properties" section …
The resource "CSS inheritance" is included in the "CSS text properties" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS in the wild: Google Maps" is included in the …
The resource "CSS in the wild: Google Maps" is included in the "CSS layout" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS position" is included in the "CSS layout" section of …
The resource "CSS position" is included in the "CSS layout" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS specificity" is included in the "More CSS selectors" section …
The resource "CSS specificity" is included in the "More CSS selectors" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
The resource "CSS width, height, and overflow" is included in the "CSS …
The resource "CSS width, height, and overflow" is included in the "CSS layout" section of the "Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages" course from Khan Academy. Some of the topics included in this resource are: HTML, CSS.
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