SafeAssign Repository

by Janelle Cleaves 4 weeks ago

Hello all,

Has anyone been able to successfully pull over your SafeAssign repository to Copyleaks? It's a long sordid tale as to why it has taken me this long to get this done, but now that I finally have access to everything I need, the files in the repository Behind the Blackboard sent me are not accepted by Copyleaks. There are zip folders within folders within folders. Thousands of them. If its a problem with them being zipped, there's no way I can go through and unzip all of them. Has anyone run into this same issue?

Hi Janelle,

After much troubleshooting with Copyleaks we were able to get our files transferred, but without testing the files, you won't know they transferred. Our IT team was heavily involved in the process as we were pulling our files from a bucket. They pulled the files, unzipped them using software (I think 7zip, but my memory may not be serving me correctly), and then put them on my device to then drop into Copyleaks.